My Posti Experience

Anna Sampo

Sorting Manager

From Christmas Seasonal Employee to Sorting Manager – a Place of Many Opportunities - According to Anna Sampo, the best thing about her job is when someone from her own team develops and succeeds in their work. Anna thinks that as a supervisor you can never be ready, so you need to develop yourself every day.
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Anna works as a Sorting Manager at the post centre in Helsinki. She started work full-time with Posti in 2005 but had already worked the previous year as a Christmas seasonal employee 

Anne has done a variety of tasks at Posti over the years. The work experience she gained through summer work, Christmas work and then as a permanent employee has allowed her to progress from deliveries to team leadership. Anna began managerial work in 2010, working at several locations in the southern Espoo region. This path brought her to Helsinki as a Distribution Manager, and in 2017 she took over as a Sorting Manager.   

“Prior to working with Posti, I was studying sports at the Sports Institute and at university. When permanent work began, I had to take a little break from my studies, but that break turned out to be a long one”, Anna laughs.  

New Challenges Regularly 

In Anna’s view, her work at Posti has been interesting in all the positions she has held. New challenges and development opportunities have come about at appropriate intervals. She particularly enjoys managerial tasks and finds them to be her real calling. 

“The best thing is seeing how someone from my own team develops and succeeds in their work in one way or another. For my own part, I want to make a difference to things. On the other hand, I think that supervisors are never ready  every day you learn something new. This is also the best part of my work”, Anna says.  

She also appreciated the multicultural and diverse working environment at Posti. She finds it great that Posti offers work and career opportunities to people from so many different cultures and backgrounds.  

“We have a huge variety of nationalities and backgrounds here, and Posti is doing a good job in this area”.  

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