Students and Graduates


Several bachelor’s and master’s theses are written annually in different business units in Posti. Will yours be one of them?

Several bachelor’s and master’s theses are written annually in different business units in Posti. Often, thesis collaboration starts with internship or summer work. If you are approaching the end of your studies and are interested in writing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis for Posti, please contact us and tell us your topic and provide a presentation of your research plan. The more you can tell us about your topic and your desire to work with Posti, the better we can explore opportunities for collaboration with you.

Read about Tom and Anne’s Thesis Experiences 

Posti transportation manager Tomi Lehtonen investigated remote management practices in his thesis and received support for his own change management: read more

A summer job at Jyväskylä terminal inspired Anne Paananen to investigate transportation damage and incident reporting: read more

My Posti Experience

Goran Gjorgievski

Happy employees, happy customers – that sums up Goran’s goal in his work as a Lead Software Developer. Possibility to learn and utilize the newest technologies in his work as well as seeing the success of his colleagues are the best things, says Goran.

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Timo Nurmi

The best thing about Timo’s work is being able to exchange thoughts and ideas with colleagues and find solutions to challenges. The desire to try something new made him jump into the journey of change of the renewing Posti in the spring of 2020.

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Tommi Kässi

"University of change management", this is how Tommi Kässi, Vice President, Sales, Postal Services, describes his nearly 7-year career path at Posti, which is being built into a modern delivery and fulfilment company. Tommi's journey has revolved from strategy and IT management to business management and sales. He encourages people to be open to new challenges that enable a wide range of career paths.

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